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New Product Launch: ClimateLens Monitor Yield Outlook - see regional and location-specific yields on key commodity crops, updated weekly. Learn More

Understand your water supply volatility across watersheds to optimize business decisions​

Forecast all your water resources and their inflows to anticipate water availability, find alternative sources, and lock in the best prices for growing and other operations​


Common Water Risk Challenges

  • Free software platforms don’t provide high enough resolution or only provide generic reports on basins, rather than granular location and resource-specific reports
  • Taking action to mitigate short-term water stress and volatility, impacting operations and supply chains, requires reliable, actionable forecasts with enough lead time
  • Proactive water management for long-term sustainability requires high visibility into risks and trends at key locations (plants, suppliers etc.) and the water resources they rely upon

ClimateAi’s ClimateLens platform offers tools that highlight the water availability of key resources decades into the future at the most granular level possible. Rather than spending days every couple of months collecting water availability data from your key resources, let ClimateLens aggregate all this information into one place, with customizable views for metrics that matter most to you.​

Evaluate Water Risk With Actionable Water and Climate Insights

wheat iconAgribusiness: Seasonal forecasts and accessible water-year insights of key groundwater and surface water resources can inform planning decisions for the upcoming year — and beyond.

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food & beverage iconFood & Beverage: Understand water risk to your operations and sourcing with deep insights from our team of hydrologic and climate experts to enhance resilience

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financeFinance: Leverage deep insights from our team of hydrologic and climate experts who specialize in your industry and can inform your long-term investment strategy

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Water Risk to Water Resilience

CDP has recently found that the cost of water risks to business is five times higher than the cost of taking action. The world’s leading food and agriculture companies are already mitigating this risk in their operations and supply chains.​

In this webinar, you’ll learn the main drivers of water risk, ways it will impact food and agriculture in the coming years, how leading companies are managing risk to set themselves up for success, and how some of the most innovative companies are turning water risk management into a competitive advantage.

Watch the Webinar