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ClimateAi in the News

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CNN | As Cocoa Prices Soar this Easter, Chocolatiers Consider Alternatives

Ghana and Ivory Coast are responsible for over 60 percent of global cocoa production, yet both nations are anticipating a reduction in their cocoa production due to adverse weather conditions, according...


Yahoo | Scientists Raise Concerns About Future of Wine as Vineyard Threat Expected to Increase in Coming Years: ‘Kind of the canary in the coal mine’

Data from Silicon Valley startup ClimateAi suggests that around 85% of traditional wine-growing regions will be unable to produce grapes suited for their traditional products by 2050, as reported by NPR.

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TIME | America’s Top GreenTech Companies 2024

A new statistical ranking by TIME and Statista ranks 250 of America’s top sustainability-­focused companies, based on their positive environmental impact, financial strength, and innovation, to see...

GreenBiz logo

GreenBiz | Down on the Farm, the Beef Industry Inches Toward Sustainability

Farmers and ranchers are on the front lines of a sprawling supply chain that ends up as burgers and steaks. Progress toward reducing the industry’s impacts has been plodding.


Yahoo | Tu Chocolate Favorito Ya No Tiene Chocolate Pero Vale lo Mismo: ¿Qué Está Pasando?

La famosa “reduflación” que atormentó a los amantes de los dulces en Halloween continuará siendo un problema este año, a medida que los precios del cacao registran los niveles más altos en los...

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CNN | Cocoa prices are soaring. Will it affect your Valentine’s Day chocolate?

Cocoa prices are surging so high that even the biggest chocolate makers are struggling to stay profitable. That doesn’t portend well for your wallet this Valentine’s Day. Last Thursday, Hershey Co....

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Forbes | Council Post: AI And Climate Change: The 5 Pivotal Promises Shaping 2024

2023 has been a massive year for artificial intelligence—generative AI hit the mainstream, and governments started trying to regulate it. As the technology finally received public name recognition, people...

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World Economic Forum | Climate Data Can Solve a $1.2 Trillion Problem

After a summer with the hottest stretch in 120,000 years, climate change alarm bells are ringing. But companies haven’t yet fully accounted for the profound risks of a warming planet – from shifting...

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Reuters | There’s an App for That: How AI is Ploughing a Farming Revolution

As agriculture has evolved over more than 10,000 years, farmers have constantly been searching for ways to increase yields and improve efficiency. Now, they could be set to benefit from one of the biggest...

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