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New Product Launch: ClimateLens Monitor Yield Outlook - see regional and location-specific yields on key commodity crops, updated weekly.Learn More

ClimateAi in the News

cnn logo

CNN | How AI could power the climate breakthrough the world needs

ClimateAi is pioneering an artificial intelligence platform that forecasts climate impacts on crops and locations. In a case study in India, the platform predicted a 30% decrease in tomato output over...

abc logo

ABC | Climate change could soon make these staple Thanksgiving dishes more scarce

As global temperatures rise and extreme weather events such as drought, heat waves and powerful storms occur more often, growing seasons and crop yield production are altered. These changes are causing...

cgtn logo

CGTN | How AI-led climate modelling could save millions of dollars, years of work – and many lives

Machine learning can process vast amounts of data and historical weather patterns to better understand and predict future extreme events — helping better predict where disasters could strike next. ‌"We...

world economic forum logo

World Economic Forum | 4 drivers to achieve systems-level change for sustainable futures

By combining strategic foresight with climate intelligence, anticipatory decision-makers can develop adaptive resilience for business models, assets, property and supply chains by integrating the possible...

cnbc logo

CNBC | Global rice markets are in crisis amid ‘artificial’ shortage

India’s export ban on rice is reverberating through global rice markets, threatening food security if developing nations cannot afford or access rice. Will Kletter, VP at ClimateAi, speaks with CNBC...

financial times logo

Financial Times | What AI means for ESG

Our CEO, Himanshu Gupta, comments on what President Joe Biden's new executive order on artificial intelligence means for sustainability and industry at large.

insider logo

Insider | The AI 100 2023: The top people in artificial intelligence

ClimateAi CEO and co-founder, Himanshu Gupta, was selected as one of Insider's Top 100 People in AI. "The people on our list will likely impact the future of this technology and how it may shape our lives,"...

cnbc logo

CNBC | How U.S. soybeans influence global economics

Soybeans are a cornerstone of American agriculture with an outsize global impact. Himanshu Gupta, CEO and co-founder of ClimateAi, spoke about how they're produced in the U.S., climate change's potential...

bulletin of the atomic scientists logo

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists | A glass of wine with your climate crisis?

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists covered ClimateAi's Climate Week NYC wine tasting. As ClimateAi CEO Himanshu Gupta said, the wine tasting is a way to help people see how the climate crisis will impact...

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